What I'm Sippin'

Monday, May 23, 2011

Not a Weather Girl

Most of you know about all the bad weather Tennessee has been experiencing this Spring. We've had our fair share of floods, tornadoes, and ridiculous amount of gloomy, stormy days.

There is 1 person dog that has been particularly affected by all the weather shenanigans.

Whenever the thunder starts to rumble and the rain starts to tap on the roof, our poor baby takes cover in what we like to call her "safe rooms". She goes into the master bathroom and either hugs up on the toilet base in our toilet closet, or if the door is open, takes "cover" in the laundry closet inside the toilet closet {she may be a dog, but she understands the importance of putting as many doors between "it" and you as possible!}.

This particular storm she decided to try out the laundry room. It was a good decision apparently. The humming of the dryer drowned out some of the noises she hates so bad and the steel door to the garage was enpenitrible {you know, because she knows these things}. She stayed in that tiny room for hours.

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