What I'm Sippin'

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Snow!... Sort Of

Okay, if you live in a state south of North Carolina and east of the Mississippi, you know that when the temperature drops below 40 and rain is anywhere in the forecast, people freak out. I mean full on survival mode: stocking up on water, bread, batteries and canned goods, cancelling school, closing roads, etc. And if there is a snowflake in sight life just stops. Matt and I laugh at the extreme precaution taken for what always ends up being less than a half an inch of snow and usually melts within a day.

Anyways, enough about that, just had to vent! We did end up getting a little bit of snow last week. I love the snow and was hoping for way more than we got. Sadie enjoyed getting to run around in it. It seemed to make her really frisky and energetic. She really liked pushing her little face into a pile of it and rubbing her face around until it was covered. Then she would take off and run as fast as she could!
It was pretty to have a little dusting. We only got about a half inch.

This was the best picture of Sadie I could get. She wouldn't slow down long enough to get a better picture!

The pond in front of our house. It was partially frozen and we let Sadie go run around on it with the ducks.

The cats decided to stay inside and enjoy the view.
The temperatures each day were only in the teens, so the little baby girl needed some help keeping warm. Diana, these pictures are for you! Yes, that is "Rice Sock" that Sadie is straddling! She was sleeping on it like a body pillow.
For those of you not familiar with "Rice Sock", it's simply a sock filled with uncooked rice. You heat it up in the microwave and use it as a heat compress. It's just a cheap, DIY way of making one of those neck wraps that you get a the spa. Sadie loves it.

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