What I'm Sippin'

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Never Too Old or Furry to Wear a Costume!

We just experieced our first Halloween at our new house. It did not disappoint. We got about 100 kids we think. Picking out candy on Friday night was interesting to say the least. We spent much longer than anyone should spend on picking out Halloween candy. Although I must admit that it did feel nice getting this comment a few times last night, "Hey, my friend said this is the house that's giving out the good candy. Do you have Reese's cups?". Yes, Yes we did! And, coincidentally we did find out there is some what of a pecking order among candy these days. I decided to have a large bowl and allow the kids to pick 2 pieces each. We quickly found out what the favorites were.
1. Reese's Cups
2. Twizlers Fruit Flavorz
3. Snickers
4. Kit Kat
5. Hershey's
6. M&M
7. Skittles
8. Twix
9. Whoppers
10. Starburst

Okay, and so without any further delay, we have to show you the costumes. I got lazy this year and since we weren't doing anything this year besides giving out candy, I chose to not dress up. We were painting the guest bedroom all day and the last thing I wanted to do after all that was dress up. I also got lazy and didn't get the animals new costumes either. I did feel bad about that around 4:00. So instead I made them all put on their same ones from last year! As you can tell Sadie has gotten a lot bigger and hers doesn't fit anymore but it still made us laugh.

Scarlet wouldn't put on the wizard hat

Sophie hates the costumes the most. She thinks she cannot move at all and makes the sadess faces

And now for Matt. You decide, 5 or 35???

All it took was a cute little puppy and the Clone Trooper was putty in her hands. Why didn't George Lucas think of that! As you can tell it also drove him to drink, and then become suicidal :)


  1. Adorable pics! Matt you look scary! Erin maybe 5 since Ty had the same costume!

  2. Ha ha ha, LMAO over here! Too funny. The girls look FIERCE in their costumes, and Matt, definitely 5. Glad to know there will always be a kid in you.
